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 [Kickstarter] Steepled Hat Studio's Iron Age Farmstead now LIVE!

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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2018

[Kickstarter] Steepled Hat Studio's Iron Age Farmstead now LIVE! Empty
MessageSujet: [Kickstarter] Steepled Hat Studio's Iron Age Farmstead now LIVE!   [Kickstarter] Steepled Hat Studio's Iron Age Farmstead now LIVE! EmptyMar 27 Nov - 4:56

Just sending out the news that Steepled Hat Studios released a 28mm Iron Age
Farmstead. There's only 12 days left on it and is currently on Kickstarter and
is looking for funding.

If you're interested in the Iron Age and need a farm or place for your 28mm
Britons, or perhaps want to invade the Britannia with your Romans, Steepled
Hat Studios has got you covered with this Farmstead. It includes three pieces
- a Granary, a Fence Set, and a Round House, all of which come fully painted
and battle ready. Or you can pledge on the raw resin forms as well.

Works well for Fantasy and other settings as well!


Check it out here:

[Kickstarter] Steepled Hat Studio's Iron Age Farmstead now LIVE! 45552515_2210581752489451_4685560581200019456_n.jpg? _nc_cat=101&_nc_ht=scontent.fyyc2- 1

Also included now is Steepled Hat Studio's Desert Guard Tower on the same
Kickstarter page, with limited pledge amounts available!

[Kickstarter] Steepled Hat Studio's Iron Age Farmstead now LIVE! >1

Thank you and have an excellent day!
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[Kickstarter] Steepled Hat Studio's Iron Age Farmstead now LIVE!
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